2 Nominations

1 Win

Jeremy Strong

Jeremy Strong (born in Boston, Massachusetts, December 25, 1978) acted in movies like Lincoln (2012) by Steven Spielberg, Zero Dark Thirty (2012) by Katherine Bigelow, Selma (2014) by Ava DuVernay, The Big Short (2015) by Adam McKay, Molly’s Game (2017) and The Trial of the Chicago 7 (2020) by Aaron Sorkin, The Gentlemen (2019) by Guy Ritchie, Armageddon Time (2022) by James Gray. On television he acted in the drama series Succession (2018-2023).


Read Winners Circle 2022: Nominee Profile 2022: Jeremy Strong, Succession” by Tina Jøhnk Christensen.


Golden Globe Awards